Lesson 2: Introductory Technical Analysis


Technical analysis is a critical tool for forex traders, providing insights into market trends and potential price movements. This guide focuses on understanding different types of charts and determining support and resistance levels, which are fundamental to technical analysis.

Understanding Different Types of Forex Charts

  1. Line Charts: The simplest form, a line chart connects closing prices over a specified time frame. It provides a clear, straightforward view of a currency pair’s price movement, making it easy to identify general trends. However, it lacks detailed information like price highs, lows, or opening levels.
  2. Bar Charts: Offering more detail than line charts, bar charts show the opening, high, low, and closing prices (OHLC) for each period. Each bar represents a single period (minute, hour, day, etc.). The top of the bar is the high price, and the bottom is the low price. A small horizontal line on the left signifies the opening price, and one on the right indicates the closing price.
  3. Candlestick Charts: Popular in forex trading, candlestick charts also display the OHLC values. Each ‘candlestick’ represents a period and shows the same information as a bar chart but in a more visually accessible format. The main body (the wider section) of a candlestick shows the opening and closing prices. If the close is higher than the open, the body is often colored white or green; if the close is lower, it’s colored black or red. The lines above and below the body, known as ‘wicks’ or ‘shadows,’ show the high and low prices.

Determining Support and Resistance Levels

  1. What are Support and Resistance Levels?
    1. Support Level: This is a price level where a downtrend can be expected to pause or rebound due to a concentration of demand. As the price of a currency pair drops, demand increases, forming the ‘support.’
    2. Resistance Level: This level is where an uptrend is expected to pause or reverse due to a concentration of supply. As the price rises, sellers begin to outnumber buyers, forming the ‘resistance.’
  2. Identifying Support and Resistance Levels
    1. Historical Price Levels: Look at past price movements. Areas where prices have consistently stopped and changed direction are likely support or resistance levels.
    2. Round Numbers: Psychological levels (e.g., 1.3000 on EUR/USD) often act as support or resistance because traders place orders at these round figures.
    3. Trend Lines: Draw trend lines by connecting the lows in an uptrend (support) or the highs in a downtrend (resistance). These lines can help predict future support and resistance levels.
    4. Moving Averages: These can act as dynamic support and resistance levels. For instance, the 50-day or 200-day moving averages are commonly watched.
  3. Using Support and Resistance in Trading
    1. Entry and Exit Points: These levels can inform entry and exit points for trades. For example, buying near a support level or selling near a resistance level can be a strategy.
    2. Breakouts and Reversals: Be aware of breakouts (when the price moves beyond a resistance level) and reversals (when a trend approaches a support or resistance level and then reverses direction).


Understanding different chart types and identifying support and resistance levels are essential skills in technical analysis for forex trading. Line charts provide a basic overview, bar charts offer more detail, and candlestick charts are highly informative and popular among traders. Support and resistance levels are crucial for making informed trading decisions, as they provide insight into potential turning points in the market.
By mastering these concepts, traders can better analyze market trends and make strategic trading choices. Remember, while technical analysis can be extremely useful, it’s most effective when combined with other forms of analysis and sound risk management.

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